Project Description

“Central African Initiatives for Peace, Stability and Food Security” is an innovation of local responses to Central African problems in the interest of encouraging the spirit and behaviors of peace, stability, job creation as well as the socio-economic and professional reintegration of internally displaced persons and returnees following multiple political-military conflicts that the Central African Republic has experienced. It will first facilitate awareness-raising, education and transformation activities of mentalities and behaviors of populations on the return of internally displaced persons and their socio-economic, educational and professional reintegration into their respective communities. Then, it is also a desire of AJEMADEC to strengthen the fight against food insecurity among vulnerable populations in the Central African Republic through the creation and start-up of a local corn processing unit with a production capacity of 10 tons of corn flour per day that can also encourage local Central African corn producers to produce a lot, a strong strategy in the fight against food insecurity not only among internally displaced persons and returnees but also in the Central African Republic in general. Finally, this initiative will obviously encourage the creation of jobs in the communities and income-generating activities for internally displaced persons and returnees. "Central African Initiatives for Peace, Stability and Food Security" claims to be an unconditional hope for socio-economic and professional development at the local level in the Central African Republic.

Central African Initiatives for Peace, Stability and Food Security.

Bangui, Ködörösêsê tî Bêafrîka, Central African Republic
AGR Sector: Agriculture

by Association, Youth for Development in Central Africa (AJEMADEC)

  • 54.200 

    Funding Goal
  • 2.830 

    Funds Raised
  • 0

    Days to go
  • Target Goal

    Campaign End Method
Raised Percent :
Minimum amount is € Maximum amount is € Put a valid number

1er palier :  15 140 Euros

– With this amount, AJEMADEC will purchase and distribute 400 kg of corn seeds to 50 internally displaced persons and returnees, young people and vulnerable women from the surroundings of the city of Bangui, the aim of which is to facilitate and strengthen the revival of agricultural activities of displaced persons and returnees, at PK 30 of the city of Bangui, southern exit of the Central African Republic.

2eme palier : avec 30 050 Euros de plus,

 AJEMADEC will launch the construction at PK22 Boali road, a local semi-industrial processing unit of Central African corn into flour and purchase 260 kg of corn for the launch of local semi-industrial processing activities of agricultural products for AGR and the fight against food insecurity. The corn processing unit will be composed of machines and equipment suitable for processing corn into flour and its derivatives, powered by electric power and/or a high-capacity electric generator. A building will be installed to monitor the overall operation of the local corn processing unit, including a raw material storage warehouse, a corn processing machine area, a finished product storage warehouse and an office for the Administration of our local semi-industrial processing unit of agricultural products in the Central African Republic.

3eme palier :  Avec 9 010 Euros de plus,

 AJEMADEC will sensitize, educate and raise awareness among 50 young people, 50 women, 50 community leaders and 50 leaders of civil society organizations through the organization of 2 educational discussion sessions on peace, stability, job creation as well as the socio-economic and professional reintegration of internally displaced persons and returnees in Bangui and its surroundings. These young people and women to be sensitized and raised awareness will be internally displaced persons and returnees from Bangui and its surroundings.

Campaign Story

Our equity has allowed us to:
– Acquire the installation site for our local corn processing unit;
– Make the 7 hectares already available for the cultivation of corn by our beneficiaries;
– Facilitate evaluation missions in the field and with our beneficiaries.

Name Donate Amount Date
Initial Amount 2.830  September 11, 2024

Unemployment, the climate of divisions, the climate of mistrust, the climate of identity withdrawal, disinformation, hate speech likely to cause conflicts and severe food insecurity among vulnerable populations are still a current issue in the Central African Republic today. One of the countries of Central Africa with an estimated population of six million (6,000,000) inhabitants, the Central African Republic has always been the victim of political and military conflicts since its accession to political independence until today. Despite the return to constitutional order in 2016 following the latest political and military crises that the Central African Republic experienced in the years 2012 - 2014, the Central African populations continue to experience multiple socio-economic, educational and professional crises for which it is urgent to initiate high-impact local actions that can meet the needs of the most vulnerable populations as well as internally displaced persons and those returned to Bangui and its surroundings. However, it is obvious that, following any crisis in a country, the populations of this country are susceptible to changes if work is done well at the level of their subconscious. And that the earth has never lied. Corn is one of the most important crops for humanity and in particular for the Central African populations. Today, most of the corn grown is used to produce livestock feed, and the rest is consumed raw or is used to produce flour, cereals, beer, whiskey, syrups, biofuels, etc. It is in this context that AJEMADEC decided to use the knowledge and financial support of Skills4aid to promote the Central African Initiatives for peace, stability and food security in the Central African Republic, a haven of peace and integrated local development.
“Central African Initiatives for Peace, Stability and Food Security” remains an appropriate approach that will obviously meet the real needs of vulnerable populations and internally displaced and returned persons in terms of transformations of mentalities and behaviors on peace, stability, job creation and the fight against food insecurity in the Central African Republic.

The beneficiaries of our current initiative are internally displaced persons and returnees from the Central African Republic as well as vulnerable young people, women, children and adolescents.

Reduce the risks of conflict to preserve peace and stability, Encourage income-generating activities for internally displaced persons and returnees, finally strengthen the fight against food insecurity by promoting income-generating activities for internally displaced persons and returnees for possible socio-economic stability and socio-professional reintegration in the Central African Republic

  • Agricultural equipment and products
  • Computer hardware

These tools will facilitate the implementation of this project. Equipment such as laptop, printer and antivirus protection software and accounting management software will contribute to strengthening the administrative and accounting management of the project and agricultural equipment will constitute local corn processing machines and agricultural products are the raw materials (Corn).